Utilization of straw in Guiyang to be further improved


In 2022, the total utilization rate of straw in Guiyang is expected to exceed 89 percent, with 400,000 metric tons of straw to be re-used.


Ditch to boost Maoping village development


A 587-meter-long ditch is currently being built in Maoping village in Kaiyang county.


Kaiyang tax services obtain good enterprise feedback


Kaiyang county's services on large-scale value-added tax (VAT) credit refunds have already taken effect and obtained positive feedback from local enterprises.


Tea picking brings tourists to Kaiyang


Yunshan Chahai Scenic Area enjoyed tourist boom during the May Day holiday.


Kaiyang county cultivates energy storage hub


The current proposal on reaching peak carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality means that a profound green transformation industrial revolution is imperative.


Kaiyang county sees economic, social development flourish


Kaiyang county is understood to have made robust progress in its economic and social development.


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