Guiyang's 9th Tourism Industry Development Conference and the 5th Agricultural Carnival which was held on Aug 25 in Kaiyang county, in southwestern Guizhou province, achieved some notable things, according to its organizers.
Kaiyang county – in central Guizhou province – and China Railway 20th Bureau Group signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on Nov 14, according to local officials.
The Hong Kong OTD International Design Center expressed its willingness after talks on Nov 14 to cooperate with Kaiyang on a plant producing building materials.
Maoyun township in Kaiyang county – located in Guiyang in southwestern Guizhou province – on Nov 6 signed an agreement with Guizhou Guisanhong Food Co Ltd for a new 667-hectare pepper plantation.
Huali town in Kaiyang county – located in Guiyang in southwestern Guizhou province – on Nov 7 signed off on a big project with Guizhou Jiankang Nonghe Chinese Herbs Planting Co Ltd to plant 267 hectares of traditional Chinese medicine herbs.
A group of officials from Guizhou Highway Bureau carried out an assessment and passed road construction and maintenance work by Kaiyang county in central Guizhou province on Oct 31.